The Well is a partner organization that was founded to give dignity and love to our houseless neighbors. St Paul partners with this organization in common mission to serve God’s kingdom here in Tampa as it is in heaven. Twice a month, on the morning of every first and third Saturday, to provide groceries and clothing to those who are experiencing homelessness or food insecurity. We currently provide for these needs in the form of a mobile food pantry. At about 8:30am, we meet at Waters Avenue Church where food donations are collected. We then load this food and other supplies into a trailer to be transported and distributed. Every first Saturday we take the pantry to Arbors Place Apartments on 131st, and every third Saturday we take the pantry to the Good Samaritan Inn on Florida Avenue. We are typically finished by before noon.
Christ calls all people to love their neighbor (Lk 10:25-37), and announces good news for the poor and the oppressed (Lk 4:18-19). Join us as we follow Christ in God’s kingdom in Tampa as it is in heaven!
Pr. Gabriel